Part Number | HSN Code | Tax Percent |
Price / Unit In INR |
Quantity mtrs / nos |
Delivery Appx. |
RXM2LB1JD | 85364900 | 18.00 | 225.12 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays without Lockable Test Button without LED 2C/O, 5A, 12V DC | |||||
RXM2LB1BD | 85364900 | 18.00 | 210.38 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays without Lockable Test Button without LED 2C/O, 5A, 24V DC | |||||
RXM2LB1ED | 85364900 | 18.00 | 237.85 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays without Lockable Test Button without LED 2C/O, 5A, 48V DC | |||||
RXM2LB1B7 | 85364900 | 18.00 | 219.09 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays without Lockable Test Button without LED 2C/O, 5A, 24V AC | |||||
RXM2LB1F7 | 85364900 | 18.00 | 219.09 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays without Lockable Test Button without LED 2C/O, 5A, 120V AC | |||||
RXM2LB1P7 | 85364900 | 18.00 | 213.73 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays without Lockable Test Button without LED 2C/O, 5A, 230V AC | |||||
RXM2LB2JD | 85364900 | 18.00 | 242.54 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays without Lockable Test Button with LED 2C/O, 5A, 12V DC | |||||
RXM2LB2BD | 85364900 | 18.00 | 225.79 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays without Lockable Test Button with LED 2C/O, 5A, 24V DC | |||||
RXM2LB2ED | 85364900 | 18.00 | 242.54 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays without Lockable Test Button with LED 2C/O, 5A, 48V DC | |||||
RXM2LB2B7 | 85364900 | 18.00 | 242.54 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays without Lockable Test Button with LED 2C/O, 5A, 24V AC | |||||
RXM2LB2F7 | 85364900 | 18.00 | 242.54 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays without Lockable Test Button with LED 2C/O, 5A, 120V AC | |||||
RXM2LB2P7 | 85364900 | 18.00 | 225.79 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays without Lockable Test Button with LED 2C/O, 5A, 230V AC | |||||
RXM2LB2CD | 85364900 | 18.00 | 249.91 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays without Lockable Test Button with LED 2C/O, 5A, 36V DC | |||||
RXM2LB2FD | 85364900 | 18.00 | 242.54 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays without Lockable Test Button with LED 2C/O, 5A, 110V DC | |||||
RXM2AB1JD | 85364900 | 18.00 | 308.20 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays - without LED 2C/O, 12A, 12V DC | |||||
RXM2AB1B7 | 85364900 | 18.00 | 308.20 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays - without LED 2C/O, 12A, 24V AC | |||||
RXM2AB1BD | 85364900 | 18.00 | 296.81 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays - without LED 2C/O, 12A, 24V DC | |||||
RXM2AB1E7 | 85364900 | 18.00 | 308.20 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays - without LED 2C/O, 12A, 48V AC | |||||
RXM2AB1ED | 85364900 | 18.00 | 308.20 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays - without LED 2C/O, 12A, 48V DC | |||||
RXM2AB1FD | 85364900 | 18.00 | 316.91 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays - without LED 2C/O, 12A, 110V DC | |||||
RXM2AB1F7 | 85364900 | 18.00 | 308.20 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays - without LED 2C/O, 12A, 120V AC | |||||
RXM2AB1P7 | 85364900 | 18.00 | 296.81 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays - without LED 2C/O, 12A, 230V AC | |||||
RXM2AB2JD | 85364900 | 18.00 | 321.60 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays - with LED 2C/O, 12A, 12V DC | |||||
RXM2AB2B7 | 85364900 | 18.00 | 320.26 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays - with LED 2C/O, 12A, 24V AC | |||||
RXM2AB2BD | 85364900 | 18.00 | 308.20 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays - with LED 2C/O, 12A, 24V DC | |||||
RXM2AB2E7 | 85364900 | 18.00 | 321.60 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays - with LED 2C/O, 12A, 48V AC | |||||
RXM2AB2ED | 85364900 | 18.00 | 321.60 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays - with LED 2C/O, 12A, 48V DC | |||||
RXM2AB2FD | 85364900 | 18.00 | 321.60 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays - with LED 2C/O, 12A, 110V DC | |||||
RXM2AB2F7 | 85364900 | 18.00 | 321.60 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays - with LED 2C/O, 12A, 120V AC | |||||
RXM2AB2P7 | 85364900 | 18.00 | 308.20 | - | |
RXM Miniature Relays - with LED 2C/O, 12A, 230V AC |